Report Fraud
Reporting fraud can be complicated and time consuming and that's why we are here. Our process makes it easy for you and here's how it works.
To get started, simply fill out the form provided or call.
This will then connect you to our case evaluation staff who will ask you some simple questions and if you qualify, you will immediately be connected with a representative of Levy Konigsberg LLP, or if you prefer, we will call you at your convenience.
If it looks like you may have a case, our attorneys will get in touch with you and provide real answers to your questions. Again, filing a whistleblower case can involve complex risks and considerations. Getting the right advice upfront can help you make the right decisions, even if you decide not to file a whistleblower action right away.
Knowledge is power. Fortunately, reporting fraud and learning about your options under whistleblower laws is now simple and easy. You will be helped every step of the way and get the advice and guidance you need to help you through any complexities which may arise.
If you qualify it will cost you nothing to speak with a law firm representative and Levy Konigsberg LLP will only receive compensation if we are successful on your behalf.
Call now for your free legal consultation